Friday, May 30, 2008

Life after CAT-8 (MOCK GDs-II)

Well I had the opportunity of meeting some really interesting characters in TIME MOCK GD sessions. For fear of offending people I am not using real names here (in most of the cases I don’t even know their real names) .

The nick names that I have used here are the ones I assigned and we (me, Sripriya and Yuvaraj used to refer to them in our conversations). The prominent ones being Amma ( a really fiery female), CA (really irritating, pretending to know it all guy who was a CA), Stylo (really dumb guy who was working and had a fake accent).

Here is a GD which was really interesting.

There were twelve people in the group including me, Yuvaraj and Amma. If I am not wrong it was a case study about a female executive who was finding to difficult to balance her job and personal life and we were asked to recommend solutions.

The GD started off, Amma always made it a point to start off in all the GDs that she participated. It was peaceful (at least on the surface) until Yuvaraj decided to cut Amma short as she was taking too long to make her point. Amma simply raised her voice and kept on speaking at a rapid pace and simply didn’t let Yuvaraj make his point.

After sometime when I was speaking, she cut me short. I was left seething and being the super-ego that I am I had to get back at her. I tried to cut her off in mid sentence sometime later but she simply refused to stop speaking. What followed was is exactly what should not be done in a GD. We started making our respective points at the top of our voices while everybody else just sat and stared at us. Well somehow it all came to an end and as soon as it was over I realized what a fool we had made of ourselves.

I was sure that I was in for some heavy lecture by the mentor. But the guy just stood there, smiled at us . And then he talked about the need to be patient during the GDs, about not letting anything disturb you, and again most importantly the need to maintain a positive body language. All that the professors at B-School are looking for is that one deviation from the cool composed posture that people carry with them and that gives away everything about the person in question.

Well to cut a long story short lets just say I took away a very important lesson from that GD and tried to avoid making these mistakes in subsequent MOCKs and the actual ones.

Another very interesting GD that took place had me in the center of the storm along with this CA guy and ten other people. The topic had something to do with International Trade, and I could not believe my years when I heard that CA guy say that MRTP and FERA are related. For those of you who have no clue as to what I am talking about, MRTP is the Monopolies and Restricted Trade Practices Act and FERA is Foreign Exchange Regulation Act. In simple words MRTP looks into antitrust kind of activities by companies, FERA/FEMA is about the rules and regulations involving foreign currency exchange.

I tried to point it out to him but since he was not willing to budge from his position and I was not about to get into another shouting match I just let it go. And boy was it a good decision. Another guy tried to correct him and both of them got into such a huge shouting match that my previous one just paled in comparison.

Well these were some of the interesting MOCK GDs that I attended in TIME.

Next up are the MOCK interviews. Trust me when I say this, these were some of the most interesting minutes of my life.

So don’t miss them!!

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