Thursday, May 06, 2010


This not so complicated word is probably the second word that we Indians have adopted as one of our own after 'Sorry'.

No matter which part of the country are you in, you will find people using it in one form or the other, mixed with their local language. But this is not what this post is about. It is much more personal.

It's about love, it's about loss, it's about grief, it's about not wanting to grow up, it's about yearning for the carefree days.

The trigger for this may seem trivial to you, but for me it's everything or everything over the past two years. Two years back I took one of the best decisions of my life. In case any of you are wondering, no it has got nothing to do with joining FMS or MBA.

It's about buying a Dell XPS (Xtreme Performance System) M1330. Fans of Big Bang Theory will be familiar with this as the make of Sheldon's laptop.

It's a sleek piece of machinery, even after two years a cutting edge demonstration of technology, and more importantly an integral part of my life over the course of past two years. So much so, that I think I love it more than anything or anybody ever!! You have to understand that for me this wasn't just another computing device, it was my partner (I spent bulk of my time with it), it was my newspaper, it was my entertainment, it was my playmate (nothing else, just referring to Counter Strike).

Not that our stay together was all rosy. Not by any stretch of imagination. Well as with all things gorgeous, this one was a delicate darling too. So fragile, that we had to seek external help quite often. Be it the couple of times when my roomie dropped it (I think he was jealous of it) or when I myself got careless. But the result was the same, a brief period of loss which made me fearful of the question, 'What when we are done?', 'What after it?'.

Well, I simply kept pushing these questions under the carpet, just because thinking about them wasn't very comfortable for me. But then the day, even thinking about which was painful for me arrived quite abruptly. We have been separated (or atleast the process has been set in motion).

I would now be using a sturdy, business like Dell Latitude E5500 and bid goodbye to my XPS. And this brings me to my topic for this post, adjustment.

I know this is a more practical choice, a smarter one. I can't expect my XPS M1330 to withstand the rough and tumble of a sales job. But this is my grouse. Why do we have to be practical? Why do we have to make compromises or to put it in other words

'Why do we have to adjust'?

Why can't we simply be carefree, just like we were back when we were kids. When we used to drink Sugarcane juice by the road side without caring for the infections and stuff, when we didn't know what 'Jaundice' and 'Hepatitis' were. When we simply lit crackers on our palms and fist. Why can't we just stomp our feet and act 'unreasonable'?


RV said...

Amit, I myself have pondered over this a lot of times, and every time I seem to arrive at the same conclusion:

We have the right to be carefree; it is something which can never be taken away from ANYBODY (maybe that’s the reason why an exceptionally brilliant theoretical physicist like Sheldon Cooper takes ‘Halo Night’ so seriously!). If you intend to keep the ‘fun factor’ alive in your life then it’s perfectly normal; in fact not having such an attitude might make our lives miserable (like what happened to the character ‘Aditya’ in the movie Rock On when he separated himself from music). There’s a proper way to do it, and the biggest challenge is to do what you feel like without affecting your professional life. That is what tells an adult from a group of 10-year old kids.

Amit Tyagi said...

Sorry dude...i somehow missed dis comment...jst stumbled across wtvr u hv written makes perfect sense, d fun factor must be kept alive bt with a balance check...

anyways i cant figure out who u r from ur username, sm1 i knw???