Sunday, June 15, 2008

A New Hope -4 (FMS Result)

Finally the day arrived; 20thMarch 2008. FMS has a history of releasing results the same evening that they have their last interviews. But nobody knew exactly at what time was it going to happen.

By the way I was home at that time. I had decided to spend some time there after the interviews.

I was logged on to Pagalguy where other restless souls like me were trying to get an idea about the results. Anyways rumors kept floating around.

When the result is ready, the list is first put up at FMS noticeboard and then it is put up on the net. After an agonizingly long wait, somebody posted that the result has been put up on the FMS notice board. That was the time when I felt the most helpless in my life. I knew the results had been announced but there was no way I could know my result at least for the next ten minutes.

And then somebody posted on Pagalguy that she had got a mail from FMS regarding her selection. At that time I felt it was all over, I had not got a mail so that was it. And then my internet connection got disconnected ( I am not making it up, it really happened). The next 30-45 seconds before I reconnected cant be described in words.

And when I finally did get reconnected, as I was trying to navigate to the latest post on PG, I noticed that I had a new mail in my mailbox. There it was!!! A mail from the FMS Admissions announcing that

"You have been provisionally empanelled for MBA (Full Time) program".

I didn’t knew what it meant but you certainly don’t reject someone with these many words.

And my joy knew no bounds.

I don’t know whether I had felt this happy ever in my life before.

Anyways the next few days went answering congratulatory calls and then I started giving serious thought which college I would ultimately join if I were to get an admit from XLRI.

Of course there was still the chance that XLRI people could spare me all this brainstorming by rejecting me!!!

Read Why FMS in the upcoming posts.

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